Friday, December 04, 2009

Big one

New building, bigger apartments.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dubble floor apartment

Upper level
Entrance level

I'm getting carried away...wich is offcourse a good thing :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A bit of urbanism...

Finaly! Some serious business :)

Monday, October 26, 2009


upper floor

entrance level

One of the duties at my new job is to bring
designs closer to our customers so I'm doing those 3d visualisations and all the presentations. This is one of the apartments that my company's building in grand complex MAXIMA CENTER at New Belgrade. For more information check .

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dijana's kitchen

Kitchen design for my friend Dijana. My ideas and a bit of her wishes seen through my eyes. :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

And now something completely different...

Another option for kitchen interior for Moscow apartment. Since minimalistic design was too much for Denisov (the one u can see in older post) it's been remodeled. Aleksandr was delighted with the colours I used in the hall so he wanted the same in the kitchen.
Colour adjusting was by my associates Bane and Dejan (also architects) who are modeling after my drawings. I picked the tiles. Shapes and positioning of the elements by me. I think they'll like it even so the shapes are contemporary, Russians definitely like cheerful colours. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Denisov familly bedroom interior, Moscow

3d model is not done by me (all others on this blogs are), so some modifications have been made (it's a bit more creemy and orange-yellow comparing to what I wanted, tv model is not the quite I'd choose...and this plant...hmmm...but I just loooove this mirrors motive, so I had to put this render on :)...)...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Turn over

Living room area

Dinning area

Ground floor plan

Section 1-1

Design for a house renewal/addition. Light gray area defines the old format of the house. It's a typical country side house in Serbia - made with no plan and therefore not so functional, not to talk about estethics.
So, the clients wanted to large up their living area, to get the dinning area which was not defined previously
. Also, they wanted additional room on the ground and first floor. They only had stairs outside the house, which is not so practical since the winter here can be very cruel, specially since this house is a bit in the countryside. So, I imputed the inner stairs which were used also to divide living and dinning area.
They needed central heating room, so I suggested to use the space below ground level which became bigger with this change of ground and first floor.
In order to make those changes, the roof had to be shaped differently (which was also client's wish) and therefore, new construction took place of the old one.

The task was complete since the clients were very pleased. The design was done last year (2008.) but still waits for it's realisation (in another words - it waits economical crisis to pass).

Primary school in Uzice /Serbia/ - my graduate design

Ground floor plan

Section 2-2

Section 1-1

Entrance view

This was the design I did for my graduation. It was done for actual location in Uzice - Serbia and on a land that is planned for it by authorities. The challenge was to make modern and functional shaped space in difficult natural conditions - small land proportions and height difference between first and the last point of the property.

I used those difficulties for advantages - putting the gymnastic hall partly in the ground but still providing natural source of light and fresh air for it. Flat roof of the hall is used like a terrace for the dinning and partly for an outside activities.
The school is friendly for kids with disabilities (ramps provide them to enter every corner of the school).
The roof (profile facade) is shaped to 'fit in' the terrain.
The professors was intrigued by my design (although they needed the time to catch up all the levels inside :)) and I got the highest degree.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Girl's room

Girl's room proposition for interior in Moscow. I was affraid this red is going to scare tham off but there are these flower moments that I was courting tham with :). Anyway...they want more furniture in the room, wich I dislike, but at least I'm going to try to lead tham in the 'right' one's on the way :)

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Living room in Moscow

This is all part of interior design that I'm working on for "Omegarus Holdings" company in Moscow and for a Denisov familly. It's not entirelly my style...but since the kitchen was too modern for tham, I needed to swetened it a bit :) (with the relievo spots at the left :))...eaven the end, I kind of like this view. :)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Bosanska Gradiška - International competition - prize

International competition for renewnig the center of Bosanska Gradiška (Republika Srpska). prize.

Team members: prof. M.Timotijevic, arch.; Miroslava Petrovic-Balubdzic, arch.; Branka Partalo, arch.; and me- Ivana Avakumovic, arch.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Website symbol design competition

swiss agency for development and cooperation's
symbol design competition
for website

symbol design competition work for website

local level civil participation and partial democracy support in cities and districts in Serbia.
(encouraging citizens to take part in processes in the cities)

February, 2007.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

city center jam

A while a go I went to a first time visit to my recent friend Anna who lives in the city center, right near the "Politika newspaper"'s office building. The building that she lives in is an old gallery type one, very modern in Belgrade of late century. Actually, most of the buildings in the city center has this structure. This means that the building has the entrance from the street to the inner yard. From the inner yard the approach to the apartments is from the stairs than trough galleries (instead of the halls) wich are directly above inner yard. This is kind of attractive and romantic style, specially since it has neoclassical decoration. But the fact less romantic is that there were two or so common bathrooms for each floor in those days. Nowadays, the standards are changed, so those apartments were adapted and the bathrooms were devided into few so every apartment has one.
So we are getting to the point. The three of us were drinking coffe and juice, water and who knows what else and got together till late hours. And than, I needed to use the toilet. Silence :). And she said "if you must..." cause I had to pass trough her parent's room (wich I didn't know since I was first time at her place). And it was really unpleasent...see why...

So, I saw the chalenge here. They are not so wealthy so this was another of my probono works. Most of the chalenge was the fact that I can not move the toilet from the place it is now, since I'd be too far from the main plumbing.
First thing on my mind is to use the high cealings and put the toilet on the higher ground level, so I get the holl in the floor for the shower.

When it's not in use, the shower is covered with liftup wooden platform. This way the platforma and the toilet are at the same level.

In entrance area I organized the kitchen and I eaven had some space to build a dining pult. On the left, I got some space for coat hanger. The entrance block should look like this.

Anna's room is on the right. She got privacy and more space. And not to mention independent bathroom entrance. Anna's room should look like this.

The parent's bedroom is on the left. They wanted to have a place to drink coffe or tea together, so I've made tham a corner near the attractive old fashioned window, with the foldable table, so they can gain more space when picking up the clothes :).

A corner for drinking an afternoon tea.

I've realized that this is an attractive bathroom solution, but probably not so practical and didn't think they'd like it so much. So, I came up with another bathroom solution.

This was more simple to do than the other one, but it is sepose to be built directly at scene, and I guessed that they'd like to make it eaven more sipmple - to actually buy a bath thub and just built it in. So, this is the 3.rd solution.

Anna and her familly were thirlled! But unfortunatly, they'll have to wait a better financial situation to realize their dream apartment. At the time it's realized, Anna wont' probably live with her parents any more (thank God! :))

What conforts me is that I gave all of tham something to thinka about and a hope that their old apartment can be a decent place to live or rent, who knows.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

twisted staircase

One of many solutions for staircase in enteriour of a penthouse in Moscow.

Overcoming the hight of 467 cm was addicional chalenge specially cause the appartmant is allmost finished and the space for the stairs is allready deffined (the construction and the upstairs pool).